Leader’s Turn

Leader’s Turn

Don’t panic! The Leader’s Turn may look tricky but it is made up of a couple of steps you have already done.

Underarm Turn
The Yoyo (Or at least the second half of it anyway! this is known as a Link Step)
The timing of The Leader’s Turn is crucial if it is to be executed neatley and without hurting each others arms!

The follower turns on ‘1’ and the leader turns on ‘2’.

WARNING: The leader and follower cannot turn under the arm arch at the same time! There is not enough room! Sometimes we count this step by saying ‘she goes, he goes’ and this seems to work well.


The Leader’s Steps

In this video we are referring to the leader’s steps when we describe the gentlemen’s steps.


The Follower’s Steps

In this video we are referring to the follower’s steps when we describe the lady’s steps.